LCF Coin the eCurrency Business to be launched by Rothschild with the support of Chinese government

LCF Coin the eCurrency Business to be launched by Rothschild with the support of Chinese government
The House of Rothschild is gonna launch the future global eCurrency, "LCF Coin", business firstly in China in February 2017!
Why in and from China? You need to understand the wars of currencies in history!

Anyway, you get 1,000 LCF coins for free before its launching, which value is about 
$500 and 3,000 Chinese Yuan at the moment!

This is a good or bad news not yet very well known to global markets. I don't know why! 
But here, I am writing for all of my global neighbors to prepare for the future, in their own judgment.
In the future, maybe in 10 years, I think that nearly all paper money will disappear, which is the target goal of global governments.

In China, something's bursting anyway at the moment. They have failed in making Yuan to become a super-power money in Global Market Money Trading. Chinese Government is still very hungry for this. I think they are very clever, 
because they now got tied with The House of Rothschild.

The House of Rothschild is gonna launch a new eCurrency Coin Business, named LCF coin, rather different from Bitcoin. 

The company to be founded officially by the House of Rothschild is now giving 1,000 LCF coins 
to the general public completely for free to secure the users of this new global eCurrency,
which is known as having $500 value, to whom joined the user network before the official launch in China.
Official website will be open soon, in Chinese, English, Thai and Korean languages first.

How to join for free to this network to get 1,000 LCF free coins, now the face value of $500? 

Simple but you have to join through the Sponsor's Manual Registration at the moment 
before the official launch in early 2017.

Please let me be your sponsor, and give me your information below for free registration, then I will register for you. 
You will see 1,000 free LCF coins in your virtual account in your back office at the official homepage.

Bitcoin price has jumped up to 36,000 times since it's launching 7 years ago. 
Please secure this chance! 
There are over 700 eCurrencies at the moment traded in the local or global markets. 
The share of bitcoin is about 80% among them. The total daily global trading volume is just about $11 billion,
which is so small and far less to cover all the human beings on earth anyway! 
Who's gonna take the real leadership here?
The Rothschild and China first? I don't know. I don't care too much.
I just worry about my family and neighbors.

Free membership and free coins are allowed for some limited time at the moment!
I don't know how long. Anyway, still allowed for free registration to get free 1,000 LCF Coins here!

After this free membership user period, you have to buy LCF Coins to become the global eCurrency member, 
i.e. paid member of LCF COIN BUSINESS, having 6 benefits:

LCF coin business is also adopting a network business model to secure global users. So it's quite understandable why they are giving 1,000 free LCF coins to new members. After this free period, you have to buy coins at market value to become a member. So, secure this free chance while this free registration period.

Telegram @LCFCoins

To get a username, please contact me via Telegram Chat username@LCFCoins
LCF Coin the eCurrency Business to be launched by Rothschild with the support of Chinese government LCF Coin the eCurrency Business to be launched by Rothschild with the support of Chinese government Reviewed by Jamaludin Aproni on December 28, 2016 Rating: 5


  1. What would the $500 being given out,be used for?how can it be converted to our own local currency?

  2. How can it be converted to our naira currency or it can only be used for online purchases.I want to know,please

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What would the $500 being given out,be used for?how can it be converted to our own local currency?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Where are we suppose to get the sponsors ID Number and Name

    1. Use my NAME as your Sponsor: CHUKWUMALU EVARISTUS
      SPONSOR ID: A50217238

  8. LCF COIN is being born to the world now!
    LCF COIN is a new CRYPTOCURRENCY to be launched in a few days time!
    Its exactly d same as d other cryptocurrencies like btc, yocoin, 1coin, TBC, edinar coin, swiss coin etc
    D good news is that a gift of $500 is for u if u join now b4 d launched date!

    This one is a new coin called LCF coin from the royal family of Rothschild which controls over 40% of global wealth. Their wealth is estimated 2 be around $500 Quadrillion.
    LCF COIN is being launched as d only crypto currency with d backing of d Chinese govt. Its being given for free till DEC. 29th 2016. Millions are being given out ryt now.
    2 get ur free $500 worth lcf coin, simply register with d following details.
    1. Ur last name, middle name, ur gender, mobile fone number, ur email address, d number on yr international passport/ driver's license / govt Id card, ur sponsors name, d number on ur sponsors international passport/ driver's license/ govt Id card, name of d town & state u reside in Nigeria.

    Kindly send ur details b4 d 29th DEC. 2016..via whatsapp to...07039806810

    If u av done so, plz share wit ur frnds /family & let Africa know and have enough share in this new opportunity that doesn't cum everyday.

    Sponsors Id: 101303016

    Note: Tomorrow is d last day..
    Get d file here nd get yr free LCF..

    1. Marina... Now now you don turn into sponsor.... What's the benefit of being a sponsor?

    2. Seems not to be working. I subscribed. Then I was redirected to a Thank you page and that was it. No mail, no LCF, nothing...
      Is this a scam project to collect peoples data?

  9. Why are your comments being removed by the authur.i smell a rat here

    1. It might be illegal

  10. Am nt.cant u see the names are different?

  11. Major news networks are not announcing it ..why?

    1. Pls sir, I was already registering when I didn't not remember my ID no, so I travels far to get it, but today I wanted to complete it, only to discover that free registration is closed, would you kindly allow me finish registration? Pls

    2. I will be grateful if my request is considered, my sponsors name and I D are Esor manyi obi 6524525593

    3. If I can get An open point, this is my mail,, thanks

  12. Am even surprised.if it were to be MMM,they would be the first to publish

  13. i want to know my sponsor so i can relate with the person, please.

  14. 07039806810 is her number and PRUDENCE UBIEGHORO is her can contact her thru whatsap and she would add you to the group

  15. How do one become a sponsor?

    1. First, you must be registered by another sponsor, then, you can get your own referrals, and you will become a sponsor also:

  16. I have registered but no notification was sent to my mail. I don't know the next step. At least I shpuld see what I registered for now

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I have registered but I have not received any notification in my email.what is the next step please

  19. Just scroll back abit,u would see the link sponsor's ID,name n number,after registering please send ur number to her n she would add you to her group.thank you

  20. Hello, Please can i know how the money generated from lcf be converted and deposited to our NRA accounts?

  21. I think it can only b converted to US dollars,that's the reason why it was stated as such but the US dollars can be used to order for goods online from any part of the world as they've said earlier on

  22. This is real I have sponsored many if u are interested send ur details to me via whatsApp or chat me on +23466178864.

  23. This is real I have sponsored many if u are interested send ur details to me via whatsApp or chat me on +23466178864.

  24. Hi, can I still register? I have 50 people that also want to register. Can someone please assist urgently.

    1. Hi, Shantol, did you register in LCFHC and LCSF? If not, do it here: I'll register you asap. Regards,

  25. Register
    Your sponsors I'd,name and number are here jst register n contact her via her number LCF COIN is being born to the world now!
    LCF COIN is a new CRYPTOCURRENCY to be launched in a few days time!
    Its exactly d same as d other cryptocurrencies like btc, yocoin, 1coin, TBC, edinar coin, swiss coin etc
    D good news is that a gift of $500 is for u if u join now b4 d launched date!

    This one is a new coin called LCF coin from the royal family of Rothschild which controls over 40% of global wealth. Their wealth is estimated 2 be around $500 Quadrillion.
    LCF COIN is being launched as d only crypto currency with d backing of d Chinese govt. Its being given for free till DEC. 29th 2016. Millions are being given out ryt now.
    2 get ur free $500 worth lcf coin, simply register with d following details.
    1. Ur last name, middle name, ur gender, mobile fone number, ur email address, d number on yr international passport/ driver's license / govt Id card, ur sponsors name, d number on ur sponsors international passport/ driver's license/ govt Id card, name of d town & state u reside in Nigeria.

    Kindly send ur details b4 d 29th DEC. 2016..via whatsapp to...07039806810

    If u av done so, plz share wit ur frnds /family & let Africa know and have enough share in this new opportunity that doesn't cum everyday.

    Sponsors Id: 101303016

    Note: Tomorrow is d last day..
    Get d file here nd get yr free LCF..

  26. If you need any assistance contact me @

  27. who has already registered in LCF coin ?
    who has already got the ID and active account with $ 500 inside ?
    can you show / sha

  28. who has already registered in LCF coin ?
    who has already got the ID and active account with $ 500 inside ?
    can you show / share your Username ID ?

    if it is real and true , I want to join you

    1. Its real n true. Please send to contact or email. Please see in artikel

    2. Its real n true. Please send to contact or email. Please see in artikel

  29. please lnform me when the website is ready and you can log in and check whether you really got the 1000LCF coin

  30. Sponsor why don't u tell them that 20people registered under one person will benefit 20000lcf coins

    1. still more time to built your team. extende period till january 7' 2017

    2. I just check the link a sponsor gave me but it's still closed,please help I want to be a part of this great opportunity, thanks

    3. The registration is open now: and I'll register you and send the access data asap. Kindest regards.

  31. Good one if it has been extended

    1. It has been extended: and I'll send your access data asap.

  32. There is a program I want to introduce to you, it is new but it is free right now. It's another form of crytocurrency. It will cost you nothing to register and you will be happy that you did. This program is about to be launched !!!

    For those who will quickly join now before it is launched, they are to join free.

    But after the launching, others will have to start registering with money. If you know the importance of coin businesses like; bitcoin, then you should cease this opportunity

    Meanwhile the registration is free today. So you have to hurry and register immediately to be amongst those registering free.

    Also, once you register, $500 USD will be credited to your account free, which you will withdraw after the launch.

    If you can have like 20 who will register with your link today the company will award you 20,000 coins which is equal to $10,000 USD.

    Take note the 20 people who are joining you today are all joining free also.

    *Click on this link to register*:

    Use my NAME as your Sponsor: CHUKWUMALU EVARISTUS
    SPONSOR ID: A50217238

  33. Please i don't have a passport but I ant to use my country's voters card ID

  34. All these ones we're filling out forms, what is thethe official website of the company?

    1. Th website is yet to be launched but it will be out soon.. Kip watching world news you will be updated soon when it's out

    2. The way to register is through personal invitation only. I invite you: and will send you the access data asap. Regards,

  35. Sir, if I register how can get my I D number to promote to my friends.

    1. just use your passport ID to register and you you will get to know more about it when it is officially launched.....
      *Click on this link to register*:
      Use my NAME as Sponsor name:

  36. stupid coin... scam... don't believe on this.

  37. There is a program I want to introduce to you, it is new but it is free right now. It's another form of crytocurrency. It will cost you nothing to register and you will be happy that you did. This program is about to be launched !!!
    For those who will quickly join now before it is launched, they are to join free.
    But after the launching, others will have to start registering with money. If you know the importance of coin businesses like; bitcoin, then you should cease this opportunity
    Meanwhile the registration is free today. So you have to hurry and register immediately to be amongst those registering free.
    Also , once you register, $500 USD will be credited to your account free, which you will withdraw after the launch.
    If you can have like 20 who will register with your link today the company will award you 20, 000 coins which is equal to $10,000 USD.
    Take note the 20 people who are joining you today are all joining free also.
    *Click on this link to register*:
    Use my NAME as Sponsor name:

  38. It is already trading with another cryptocurrency called Coinspace. Call me with this number let me sign you up....08064014513

  39. For more info on LCFcoins, registration and get free 1000 LCF coins, join this group on telegram

  40. For more info on LCFcoins, registration and get free 1000 LCF coins, join this group on telegram


  42. Bitcoin is not transferable but can be used to make purchases online.. it's also the safest means of moving money round the world..

    1. Thats a white,blue,green lie. Bitcoin is sent all the time.

  43. Try registering with this-

  44. I have registered but didn't get any feedback. What's the next step.

  45. What will be my sponsors name?

  46. LCF COIN is being born to the world now!
    LCF COIN is a new CRYPTOCURRENCY to be launched in a few days time!
    Its exactly d same as d other cryptocurrencies like btc, yocoin, 1coin, TBC, edinar coin, swiss coin etc
    D good news is that a gift of $500 is for u if u join now b4 d launched date!

    This one is a new coin called LCF coin from the royal family of Rothschild which controls over 40% of global wealth. Their wealth is estimated 2 be around $500 Quadrillion.
    LCF COIN is being launched as d only crypto currency with d backing of d Chinese govt. Its being given for free till DEC. 29th 2016. Millions are being given out ryt now.
    2 get ur free $500 worth lcf coin, simply register with d following details.
    1. Ur last name, middle name, ur gender, mobile fone number, ur email address, d number on yr international passport/ driver's license / govt Id card, ur sponsors name, d number on ur sponsors international passport/ driver's license/ govt Id card, name of d town & state u reside in Nigeria.

    Kindly send ur details b4 d 29th DEC. 2016..via whatsapp to...07039806810

    If u av done so, plz share wit ur frnds /family & let Africa know and have enough share in this new opportunity that doesn't cum everyday.

    Sponsors Id: 101303016


  47. Please tell me how to register it now thanks

  48. Go through the link and register then use this name as your sponsor ETUKUDO UDEME EKERETE
    D/L NO. ABC60516AA02

  49. Nija no DE carry last. So Chinese want to dash you $500? OK ooo. Enjoy


    1. Sir, Please don't mind LCFH What is the Terms and conditions? I'm confused because Why give me 1280$. From company lcfh. Only for registered

  51. Be aware guys

  52. É verdade que o lancamento sera 25 de junho pra Brasil da LCF. todos os cadrastrado estao acreditando nessa data.

  53. É verdade que o lancamento sera 25 de junho pra Brasil da LCF. todos os cadrastrado estao acreditando nessa data.

  54. It is end of May 2017 now, and the registration is open till september 15th. You will be immediately given the equivalent to $1380 plus $100 for every referral. I kindly invite you to register through my form: Regards,

  55. Registration link

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  58. In the e-Currency Business, LCFHC COIN is about to be launched by ROTHSCHILD FAMILY with the support of the Chinese Government. The House of Rothschild is going to launch the future global e-Currency, “LCFHC COIN” business, firstly in China in Sep 2017.
    It is simple but you have to join through the Sponsor’s Manual Registration at the moment before the official launch in Sep 2017 by sent details to your sponsor
    This Free Membership and Free Coins are allowed for a limited time at the moment but no one knows how long this free offerswill last. Anyway, the good news is FREE REGISTRATION is still on, so take the chance now! After this free membership period is over you have to buy LCFHC COINS to become a global eCurrency member and user so why not get it now while it is FREE without a cost.
    FHC coin business is also adopting a network business model to secure global users. As stated, after this FREE GIVEAWAY period, you have to buy LCFHC COINS at the prevailing market value to become a member, therefore secure this free and rare opportunity now while this free registration period is still available.
    Send pm (or)
    Then i will send you login details


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